Wright-Locke Farm Conservancy is seeking members of our Board of Directors to guide and support our organization as we enter a new stage in our history. Terms for members of our Board are 3 years in length.
Wright-Locke Farm aspires to a diverse Board, representing the broad spectrum of people who visit the farm and live in the surrounding communities. At this time we are seeking board candidates that have experience, capabilities, and professional networks in specific areas, including, but not limited to:
- Fundraising
- Communications
- Marketing
- Technology
Even if your experience falls outside these realms, we welcome your application.
In addition to regular governance duties of serving on a nonprofit board, Board members volunteer on at least one committee to share their professional skills and time with the organization. Committees do their work in between the monthly board meetings. In addition, many Board members volunteer at the farm in other capacities as well.
Board meetings are held generally held monthly at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.

How To Apply
If you are interested in applying for our board, please send a letter of interest with CV or bio attached to VP@WLfarm.org.